External links aren't working
(too old to reply)
Janet Fox
2016-06-06 13:47:24 UTC

I'm having slight difficulties with your webpage — some of the external
links are returning 404 error. I saved the list of them — should I send
them to you or there's another person who helps manage the website?

Hope that helps.
Kind regards,
Andreas Perstinger
2016-06-06 14:40:25 UTC
Post by Janet Fox
I'm having slight difficulties with your webpage — some of the external
links are returning 404 error. I saved the list of them — should I send
them to you or there's another person who helps manage the website?
I'd suggest to submit a bug report:

If you don't want to create an account, I think you should send the list
to freebsd-***@freebsd.org which is the mailing list for the FreeBSD
Documentation Project (which includes the webpage).

Bye, Andreas
Janet Fox
2016-06-24 22:52:58 UTC
Hi there,
I've been checking my mailbox and noticed that you didn't respond to
the email I've sent you 3 or 4 days ago.
I'm still keeping those broken pages, so just let me know if you'd be
the right person to send them to.
Hope it makes your day a little bit easier.
