How to create a fork of freebsd
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Mathe Eliel
2016-05-29 11:06:46 UTC
Hello to the community.
I saw a operating system called pfSense that is based on FreeBSD. It uses
PF firewall filter, I think.

Now, I would like to create a sample OS based on freeBSD. I have a web
application written in PHP and running on Apache Server in a FreeBSD
computer. How can I make this kind of fork of FreeBSD thus I give a .iso
file to my friends containing the webserver, the php application and other
downloaded ports such as apinger, dhcpd? To allow them use my application
without redownloading all those applications but they can install it in a
computer and it starts working?

Thank you very much.j
2016-05-29 11:23:31 UTC
Use docker and make a container. Send him the dockerfile

Sent from my android device.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mathe Eliel <***@gmail.com>
To: freebsd-***@freebsd.org
Sent: Sun, 29 May 2016 14:32
Subject: How to create a fork of freebsd

Hello to the community.
I saw a operating system called pfSense that is based on FreeBSD. It uses
PF firewall filter, I think.

Now, I would like to create a sample OS based on freeBSD. I have a web
application written in PHP and running on Apache Server in a FreeBSD
computer. How can I make this kind of fork of FreeBSD thus I give a .iso
file to my friends containing the webserver, the php application and other
downloaded ports such as apinger, dhcpd? To allow them use my application
without redownloading all those applications but they can install it in a
computer and it starts working?

Thank you very much.j
freebsd-***@freebsd.org mailing list
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Outback Dingo
2016-05-29 11:43:23 UTC
Post by k***@keptprivate.com
Use docker and make a container. Send him the dockerfile
Sent from my android device.
well docker isnt exactly the same on freebsd as linux though what you
suggest might work, however it might not
now lets clarify, pfsense itself is based on freebsd, it is not neccesarily
a fork but additonal software compilations to make a firewall
release based on FreeBSD, as is like wise OPNSense, and well monowall,
freenas, nas4free, pcbsd, BSDrp, and a few others
are all essentially based on FreeBSD, so its probably not the OS you want
to fork but wish to create an applications you can release
in some format, say iso, or raw image, of vmdk for your friends to use
Post by k***@keptprivate.com
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, 29 May 2016 14:32
Subject: How to create a fork of freebsd
Hello to the community.
I saw a operating system called pfSense that is based on FreeBSD. It uses
PF firewall filter, I think.
Now, I would like to create a sample OS based on freeBSD. I have a web
application written in PHP and running on Apache Server in a FreeBSD
computer. How can I make this kind of fork of FreeBSD thus I give a .iso
file to my friends containing the webserver, the php application and other
downloaded ports such as apinger, dhcpd? To allow them use my application
without redownloading all those applications but they can install it in a
computer and it starts working?
Thank you very much.j
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Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
2016-05-29 11:48:00 UTC
Post by Outback Dingo
Post by k***@keptprivate.com
Use docker and make a container. Send him the dockerfile
Sent from my android device.
well docker isnt exactly the same on freebsd as linux though what you
suggest might work, however it might not
now lets clarify, pfsense itself is based on freebsd, it is not
neccesarily a fork but additonal software compilations to make
a firewall release based on FreeBSD, as is like wise OPNSense, and
well monowall, freenas, nas4free, pcbsd, BSDrp, and a few others are
all essentially based on FreeBSD, so its probably not the OS you want
to fork but wish to create an applications you can release in some
format, say iso, or raw image, of vmdk for your friends to use
Mathe, in case your friends have a working FreeBSD system, you could
think about deploying your applications in a jail and only send them
your jail infrastructure.

Roland Smith
2016-05-29 13:22:48 UTC
Post by Mathe Eliel
Hello to the community.
I saw a operating system called pfSense that is based on FreeBSD. It uses
PF firewall filter, I think.
Now, I would like to create a sample OS based on freeBSD. I have a web
application written in PHP and running on Apache Server in a FreeBSD
computer. How can I make this kind of fork of FreeBSD thus I give a .iso
file to my friends containing the webserver, the php application and other
downloaded ports such as apinger, dhcpd? To allow them use my application
without redownloading all those applications but they can install it in a
computer and it starts working?
That's not really a fork, but distributing a live-CD with some extras.

The FreeSBIE toolkit for building live-CDs in /usr/ports/sysutils/freesbie can
probably do what you need.

R.F.Smith http://rsmith.home.xs4all.nl/
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Mathe Eliel
2016-05-29 14:23:33 UTC
I will go through FreeSBIE and be back to you!
Thank you very much.
Post by Roland Smith
Post by Mathe Eliel
Hello to the community.
I saw a operating system called pfSense that is based on FreeBSD. It uses
PF firewall filter, I think.
Now, I would like to create a sample OS based on freeBSD. I have a web
application written in PHP and running on Apache Server in a FreeBSD
computer. How can I make this kind of fork of FreeBSD thus I give a .iso
file to my friends containing the webserver, the php application and
Post by Mathe Eliel
downloaded ports such as apinger, dhcpd? To allow them use my application
without redownloading all those applications but they can install it in a
computer and it starts working?
That's not really a fork, but distributing a live-CD with some extras.
The FreeSBIE toolkit for building live-CDs in /usr/ports/sysutils/freesbie
probably do what you need.
R.F.Smith http://rsmith.home.xs4all.nl/
[plain text _non-HTML_ PGP/GnuPG encrypted/signed email much appreciated]
pgp: 5753 3324 1661 B0FE 8D93 FCED 40F6 D5DC A38A 33E0 (keyID: A38A33E0)
Bertram Scharpf
2016-05-29 14:35:36 UTC
Post by Mathe Eliel
Now, I would like to create a sample OS based on freeBSD. I have a web
application written in PHP and running on Apache Server in a FreeBSD
computer. How can I make this kind of fork of FreeBSD thus I give a .iso
file to my friends containing the webserver, the php application and other
downloaded ports such as apinger, dhcpd? To allow them use my application
without redownloading all those applications but they can install it in a
computer and it starts working?
This is roughly what I do:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=myliveusb.img bs=2G count=2
# mdconfig -a -f myliveusb.img
# gpart add ... md0
# gpart bootcode ... md0
# gpart modify -i N -l myliveusb md0
# newfs -U /dev/gpt/myliveusb
# mount /dev/gpt/myliveusb /mnt/install

# cd /usr/src
# make DESTDIR=/mnt/install installworld installkernel distrib-dirs distribution

- Create an /etc/fstab that mounts / to /dev/gpt/myliveusb,
/tmp, /var/tmp, /var/run, /var/log to mfs.

- Create an elementary /etc/rc.conf:

- Copy /etc/localtime

- Chroot into it:

# cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/install/etc/
# chroot /mnt/install /bin/sh
# mount_devfs devfs /dev

- Install packages

- Leave the chroot, umount the partition and release the md.
dd the .img to a USB stick.

Good luck!

Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany
Oliver Briscbois
2016-06-02 15:46:06 UTC
Post by Mathe Eliel
I will go through FreeSBIE and be back to you!
Thank you very much.
I've been following this thread with interest and will also give FreeSBIE a try.
thanks for starting this topic.

