FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p35, package samba44 -- where is SWAT or samba-tool?
(too old to reply)
David Christensen
2016-06-09 01:04:57 UTC

I have a FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p35 machine and would like to run a Samba
server. I have installed the 'samba44' package.

My preferred Samba administration tool is SWAT. It appears that samba44
does not include SWAT.

The FreeBSD handbook section 28.10 appears to be written for samba43.
The handbook recommends 'samba-tool':


It appears samba44 does not include samba-tool.

Any suggestions?

Lowell Gilbert
2016-06-09 12:28:52 UTC
Post by David Christensen
I have a FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p35 machine and would like to run a
Samba server. I have installed the 'samba44' package.
My preferred Samba administration tool is SWAT. It appears that
samba44 does not include SWAT.
Post by David Christensen
The FreeBSD handbook section 28.10 appears to be written for
It appears samba44 does not include samba-tool.
It's in the plist, and it doesn't seem to be controlled by any options.

Does "pkg info -l samba44|grep samba-tool" not show it?
David Christensen
2016-06-09 18:37:22 UTC
Post by Lowell Gilbert
Post by David Christensen
It appears samba44 does not include samba-tool.
It's in the plist, and it doesn't seem to be controlled by any options.
Does "pkg info -l samba44|grep samba-tool" not show it?
Thanks for the reply. Running your command:

2016-06-09 11:21:05 ***@p42800e ~
# pkg info -l samba44|grep samba-tool
pkg: No package(s) matching samba44

Checking if Samba is installed:

2016-06-09 11:21:13 ***@p42800e ~
# pkg info | grep samba

I thought I installed samba44 yesterday:

2016-06-08 16:36:43 ***@p42800e ~
# pkg install samba44
===> NOTICE:

The gamin port currently does not have a maintainer. As a result, it is
more likely to have unresolved issues, not be up-to-date, or even be
removed in
the future. To volunteer to maintain this port, please create an issue at:


More information about port maintainership is available at:


Perhaps there was an error between the keyboard and the seat. Try again:

2016-06-09 11:21:22 ***@p42800e ~
# pkg install samba44
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up-to-date.
All repositories are up-to-date.
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
samba44: 4.4.3_1

The process will require 122 MiB more space.

Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y
[1/1] Installing samba44-4.4.3_1...
[1/1] Extracting samba44-4.4.3_1: 100%
Message from samba44-4.4.3_1:

How to start: http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba4/HOWTO

* Your configuration is: /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf

* All the relevant databases are under: /var/db/samba4

* All the logs are under: /var/log/samba4

* Provisioning script is: /usr/local/bin/samba-tool

For additional documentation check: http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba4

Bug reports should go to the: https://bugzilla.samba.org/


That looks more like it. Now I have samba-tool:

2016-06-09 11:26:23 ***@p42800e ~
# which samba-tool

Thanks for the help. :-)

