Adding an IP address to a Running Jail
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Dean E. Weimer
2016-06-10 19:27:23 UTC
I already have multiple IPs on our reverse proxy server which is running
on a FreeBSD jail, and I know how to add them to the configuration. I am
working on a new project, and need to add another IP. I have it in the
configuration, but what I can't seem to figure out how to add the IP to
the jail without restarting it.

So I am stuck until our maintenance window to complete the project,
unless someone out there can tell me how to do it if its even possible.
Of course I have other things that need done, and this project doesn't
have to be completed today, just thought it would be nice to know going
Dean E. Weimer
Dean E. Weimer
2016-06-10 20:28:08 UTC
Post by Dean E. Weimer
I already have multiple IPs on our reverse proxy server which is
running on a FreeBSD jail, and I know how to add them to the
configuration. I am working on a new project, and need to add another
IP. I have it in the configuration, but what I can't seem to figure
out how to add the IP to the jail without restarting it.
So I am stuck until our maintenance window to complete the project,
unless someone out there can tell me how to do it if its even
possible. Of course I have other things that need done, and this
project doesn't have to be completed today, just thought it would be
nice to know going forward.
I found my own answer, I did some searching and found the -m option for
the jail command, and was able to add an IP to a jail on my test system.
Think I am still going to wait on the production system and restart it,
as I put a typo in the first time and dropped its original IP off on the
test system. But now I know going forward if I have an urgent reason it
can be done.
Dean E. Weimer