List etiquette
(too old to reply)
Duane Whitty
2016-06-09 22:14:53 UTC

I would like to pose a question to a specific user on the thread
"advice for buying a laptop" on freebsd-***@. Should I send the
question to the list only, or list and cc (or bcc) user, or just to
the user? I would hope the etiquette includes the list as I think the
answer could be potentially valuable to others.

Best Regards,
Duane Whitty
Matthew Seaman
2016-06-09 22:44:01 UTC
Post by Duane Whitty
I would like to pose a question to a specific user on the thread
question to the list only, or list and cc (or bcc) user, or just to
the user? I would hope the etiquette includes the list as I think the
answer could be potentially valuable to others.
It's generally better to keep the list in the loop when asking questions
-- it's fine to respond to what a specific person is saying with the
expectation they're going to reply in turn and there will be a
back-and-forth conversation. However, you don't have any assurance that
anyone *will* necessarily reply to any specific message and you really
can't insist that any specific person does respond to you. Chances are
that if person A doesn't respond, one of the other list denizens
probably will.


Bertram Scharpf
2016-06-10 03:58:13 UTC
I would like to pose a question to a specific user on the thread
question to the list only, or list and cc (or bcc) user, or just to
the user? I would hope the etiquette includes the list as I think the
answer could be potentially valuable to others.
In case there is a solution, it should be shared and found
by search engines. I solve about 95% of my problems by
reading earlier discussions.

Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany
Christian Baer
2016-06-10 10:32:35 UTC
On 06/10/16 00:14, Duane Whitty wrote:

Hello Duane!
Post by Duane Whitty
I would like to pose a question to a specific user on the thread
the question to the list only, or list and cc (or bcc) user, or
just to the user? I would hope the etiquette includes the list as
I think the answer could be potentially valuable to others.
Since I am the said OP, I'll chip in here too, even though what I think
has already been said (written by others). :-)

Put bluntly, if someone wishes to profit from the collective knowledge
of a community (in this case *this* mailing list), he or she should be
willing to share the results with the community (as in the knowledge
gained). While my question will probably only be interesting for a
limited amount of time, many subjects discussed on this list can also be
useful in the future and a search may well save someone from having to
ask the question again because there is a solution in place.

Another reason why it's generally better to reply to the list instead of
the author personally is the way that solutions are often worked out
collectively. Basically, someone may offer a suggestion that in itself
doesn't work, but it inspires an idea in someone else who then finds a
solution to the problem. This only works if the communication is open.

So by all means, please answer to the mailing list! While it is not
frowned upon to CC or Bcc the author, I personally think it is not
necessary and I don't do it either. Again, if someone profits from the
mailing list, he or she should go ahead and read it - maybe he or she
finds someone who needs help on the way.

Best regards and have fun!
Byung-Hee HWANG (황병희)
2016-06-10 14:28:07 UTC
Post by Christian Baer
Best regards and have fun!
Really i agree to Matthew's opinion that nobody can insist to reply for.

And then, Chris your message topic (proper laptop for freebsd) was so good to me of non-technical user.

^고맙습니다 감사합니다_^))//
Christian Baer
2016-06-15 14:53:21 UTC
On 06/10/16 16:28, Byung-Hee HWANG (황병희) wrote:

Hello Byung!
Post by Byung-Hee HWANG (황병희)
Really i agree to Matthew's opinion that nobody can insist to reply
for. And then, Chris your message topic (proper laptop for freebsd)
was so good to me of non-technical user.
I'll risk being called dumb here. :-)

Sorry, I have no idea what you are trying to tell me - with either
sentence. I get the topic you are addressing, but I am not sure what
you wanted to tell us (me). Not trying to be a jerk here, I genuinely
want to know!

