Anything special to do moving to SSD?
(too old to reply)
Manish Jain
2016-06-14 17:43:05 UTC

I use FreeBSD 10.2 amd64 as my primary OS.

I just purchased a Samsung EVO 500 GB Solid State disk, and shall be migrating to it in the next few days. Just wanted to know whether I can use it out-of-the-box, pretty much like an IDE/SATA hard disk, or is there anything special/nice to do for SSD ?

I presume I shall have to reinstall the OS over again. In case it is possible to migrate 'in-place' (data copy), please let me know about that too.

Thanks for any replies.

Manish Jain
Brandon J. Wandersee
2016-06-14 17:59:48 UTC
Post by Manish Jain
I use FreeBSD 10.2 amd64 as my primary OS.
I just purchased a Samsung EVO 500 GB Solid State disk, and shall be
migrating to it in the next few days. Just wanted to know whether I
can use it out-of-the-box, pretty much like an IDE/SATA hard disk, or
is there anything special/nice to do for SSD ?
I presume I shall have to reinstall the OS over again. In case it is
possible to migrate 'in-place' (data copy), please let me know about
that too.
If you're using UFS, you can clone your existing installation by piping
dump(8) straight into restore(8).[1] If you're using ZFS then you'd use
`zfs send | zfs receive` instead, sending your filesystems straight to
the new disk/pool instead of backing up and then restoring. Or you could
just use some other reliable tool like rsync. Whatever the case, you
should certainly already have a backup on-hand anyway, just in case.

What is important no matter what is that when creating new UFS
filesystems on an SSD, you need to use the `-t` flag to enable
TRIM. TRIM is enabled by default on ZFS.

[1]: http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/backup.html#_copying_filesystems
:: Brandon J. Wandersee
:: ***@gmail.com
:: --------------------------------------------------
:: 'The best design is as little design as possible.'
:: --- Dieter Rams ----------------------------------
Christoph Brinkhaus
2016-06-14 18:17:33 UTC
Post by Manish Jain
I use FreeBSD 10.2 amd64 as my primary OS.
I just purchased a Samsung EVO 500 GB Solid State disk, and shall be
migrating to it in the next few days. Just wanted to know whether
I can use it out-of-the-box, pretty much like an IDE/SATA hard disk,
or is there anything special/nice to do for SSD ?
I have followed http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/ssd.html
with success.
Post by Manish Jain
I presume I shall have to reinstall the OS over again.
In case it is possible to migrate 'in-place' (data copy),
please let me know about that too.
I have copied the UFS file system by dump and restore
in single user mode and adjusted /etc/fstab.
For other file systems a data copy should work as well.
Post by Manish Jain
Thanks for any replies.
Manish Jain
Good luck,

Steve O'Hara-Smith
2016-06-14 18:19:00 UTC
On Tue, 14 Jun 2016 17:43:05 +0000
Post by Manish Jain
I use FreeBSD 10.2 amd64 as my primary OS.
I just purchased a Samsung EVO 500 GB Solid State disk, and shall be
migrating to it in the next few days. Just wanted to know whether I can
use it out-of-the-box, pretty much like an IDE/SATA hard disk, or is
there anything special/nice to do for SSD ?
Just one thing, use the -t flag to newfs (along with whatever
others you use) when you initialise the filesystems to enable TRIM support,
other than that it's just a (fast) drive.
Post by Manish Jain
I presume I shall have to reinstall the OS over again. In case it is
possible to migrate 'in-place' (data copy), please let me know about that
Provided the existing filesystems will fit on the SSD a migrate in
place is quite easy. I have done this quite recently based on the excellent
write up here http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/ssd.html - don't
treat it as a step-by-step adapt it to your setup (not hard).
Steve O'Hara-Smith <***@sohara.org>
David Christensen
2016-06-14 18:35:21 UTC
Post by Manish Jain
I use FreeBSD 10.2 amd64 as my primary OS.
I just purchased a Samsung EVO 500 GB Solid State disk, and shall be migrating to it in the next few days. Just wanted to know whether I can use it out-of-the-box, pretty much like an IDE/SATA hard disk, or is there anything special/nice to do for SSD ?
I presume I shall have to reinstall the OS over again. In case it is possible to migrate 'in-place' (data copy), please let me know about that too.
What kind of machine -- laptop, desktop, server?

What do you use the machine for?

What disk(s) does it already heave?

Manish Jain
2016-06-15 01:09:59 UTC
Post by Steve O'Hara-Smith
Provided the existing filesystems will fit on the SSD a migrate in
place is quite easy. I have done this quite recently based on the
excellent write up here
http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/ssd.html - don't treat it as
a step-by-step adapt it to your setup (not hard).
I am bothered by this thought. Let's say my old SATA disk is da0 and I
attach the SSD as da1 for copying the filesystem via dump+restore. Next
I remove the SATA entirely and reboot. Now will the SSD still be da1 ?
If not, then I have no way of knowing how to configure /etc/fstab for
the SSD.

Incidentally, I don't know whether this is relevant - my system will be
a dual boot PC, with Win XP as secondary OS. I think that means that I
cannot use GPT and I will have to use MBR for partitioning. Am I right
about that ?

Thanks for your help

Manish Jain
Warren Block
2016-06-15 02:16:53 UTC
Post by Manish Jain
Post by Steve O'Hara-Smith
Provided the existing filesystems will fit on the SSD a migrate in
place is quite easy. I have done this quite recently based on the
excellent write up here
http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/ssd.html - don't treat it as
a step-by-step adapt it to your setup (not hard).
I am bothered by this thought. Let's say my old SATA disk is da0 and I
attach the SSD as da1 for copying the filesystem via dump+restore. Next
I remove the SATA entirely and reboot. Now will the SSD still be da1 ?
If not, then I have no way of knowing how to configure /etc/fstab for
the SSD.
Use GPT labels. Or UFS filesystem labels:

Even on single-disk systems, labels make it easier to deal with
Post by Manish Jain
Incidentally, I don't know whether this is relevant - my system will be
a dual boot PC, with Win XP as secondary OS. I think that means that I
cannot use GPT and I will have to use MBR for partitioning. Am I right
about that ?
Yes. But unless you have a strong requirement to run XP on bare
hardware (like for games), install VirtualBox and run it as a VM. That
makes it easy to transplant elsewhere when the need arises.
2016-06-15 08:28:21 UTC
Post by Warren Block
Post by Manish Jain
Post by Steve O'Hara-Smith
Provided the existing filesystems will fit on the SSD a migrate in
place is quite easy. I have done this quite recently based on the
excellent write up here
http://www.wonkity.com/~wblock/docs/html/ssd.html - don't treat it as
a step-by-step adapt it to your setup (not hard).
I am bothered by this thought. Let's say my old SATA disk is da0 and I
attach the SSD as da1 for copying the filesystem via dump+restore. Next
I remove the SATA entirely and reboot. Now will the SSD still be da1 ?
If not, then I have no way of knowing how to configure /etc/fstab for
the SSD.
A very important advice. Labels make it easier to recognize the
purpose of partitions by name (instead of number), and they also
"survive" if a disk gets moved from system to system.
Post by Warren Block
Even on single-disk systems, labels make it easier to deal with
Even on single-disk systems, device names might change due to a
system update: A disk that has been known as ad4 could come up
as ada0 after an improved "controller" has been introduced to
the kernel. :-)
Post by Warren Block
Yes. But unless you have a strong requirement to run XP on bare
hardware (like for games), install VirtualBox and run it as a VM. That
makes it easy to transplant elsewhere when the need arises.
And it saves you a lot of trouble getting "drivers" for hardware
that has been considered "outdated" and isn't supported anymore
by "Windows" or by its manufacturer.
Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...