Recording from multiple webcams
(too old to reply)
Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
2016-05-17 17:04:59 UTC

Can I record video from multiple webcams? I need record from 3 webcams simultaneusly, I've install webcamd but can't find any app to record from them. Some apps allow 1 webcam but I need at least 3.

Any clue?


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Eduardo Morras <***@yahoo.es>
2016-05-17 17:17:17 UTC
Post by Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
Can I record video from multiple webcams? I need record from 3 webcams
simultaneusly, I've install webcamd but can't find any app to record
from them. Some apps allow 1 webcam but I need at least 3.
Not tested (because I don't have even one webcam here), but would
mencoder be an option for you? Many years ago, I've been using a
computer with two Haupauge TV/video cards and accessed their video
inputs independently by accessing /dev/bktr0 with one mencoder,
and /dev/bktr1 with the other... not sure if mencoder could do
the same with webcams controlled by webcamd...
Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
2016-05-17 19:49:16 UTC
On Tue, 17 May 2016 19:04:59 +0200, Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
Post by Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
Can I record video from multiple webcams? I need record from 3 webcams
simultaneusly, I've install webcamd but can't find any app to record
from them. Some apps allow 1 webcam but I need at least 3.
Not tested (because I don't have even one webcam here), but would
mencoder be an option for you? Many years ago, I've been using a
computer with two Haupauge TV/video cards and accessed their video
inputs independently by accessing /dev/bktr0 with one mencoder,
and /dev/bktr1 with the other... not sure if mencoder could do
the same with webcams controlled by webcamd...
Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
I do not have MEncoder :

( http://www.mplayerhq.hu/ )
( http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/index.html )

From documentation , it seems that MEncoder can encode from TV , Radio ,
but I could not see web camera .
Perhaps , it may encode from multiple network cameras ( see Section 3.4 :
http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/streaming.html ) because each camera
will have its own IP/address .

I do not have a working FreeBSD .
I tried in Fedora 20 x86_64 KDE ( Assume you have a KDE in your FreeBSD ) .

I have attached two web cameras .
I have started Cheese . It attached to one of the cameras .
I have started Camorama . It attached to another of the cameras .

A second copy of Cheese did not start .
A second copy of Camorama did not start ( gave an error that "Could not
connect to /dev/video0" ) .
I have started UCView . It connected to /dev/video1 , but it did not show
any image .

Conclusions :

No one of the programs has any menu item to select a web camera device to
connect .
No one of the programs are able to work in multiple copies .

There are open source other programs you may try compile and run in
multiple copies , but most of them are working with common libraries .
Therefore you need to make modifications to these programs to allow them to
connect to different web cameras , either from one program or from
different programs .

My knowledge is so much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
Shamim Shahriar
2016-05-17 23:17:24 UTC
On Tue, 17 May 2016 19:04:59 +0200, Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
Post by Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
Can I record video from multiple webcams? I need record from 3 webcams
simultaneusly, I've install webcamd but can't find any app to record
from them. Some apps allow 1 webcam but I need at least 3.
I'm not sure if you have looked around, but there are lots of reference
to a software called Zoneminder -- which is available in FreeBSD ports
tree as well

People have discussed using multiple instances of Motion

Also, here is Raspberry Pi tutorial using Omxplayer (some suggestions on
using vlc was available on various sites)

Hope this helps
Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
2016-05-17 23:36:33 UTC
On Tue, 17 May 2016 19:04:59 +0200, Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
Post by Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
Can I record video from multiple webcams? I need record from 3 webcams
simultaneusly, I've install webcamd but can't find any app to record
from them. Some apps allow 1 webcam but I need at least 3.
Not tested (because I don't have even one webcam here), but would
mencoder be an option for you? Many years ago, I've been using a
computer with two Haupauge TV/video cards and accessed their video
inputs independently by accessing /dev/bktr0 with one mencoder,
and /dev/bktr1 with the other... not sure if mencoder could do
the same with webcams controlled by webcamd...
Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
man cheese

is showing that

there is a command line option

--device=DEVICE, -d DEVICE
Use the supplied DEVICE as the video capture device.

In a Terminal :

[***@localhost ~]$ cheese --device=/dev/video1

(cheese:14915): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: value "5.000000" of type 'gdouble'
is invalid or out of range for property 'delaytime' of type 'gdouble'
[***@localhost ~]$

Picture from web camera is displayed .

[***@localhost ~]$ cheese --device=/dev/video0

(cheese:14997): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_settings_set_value: assertion
'G_IS_SETTINGS (settings)' failed
[***@localhost ~]$ x_sync_UDD.sh

Cheese could not start due to the above error .

If these errors can be corrected in sources , you may use multiple copies
of Cheese for multiple devices .


The following statements in different Terminal windows worked concurrently
in different web cameras :

camorama -d=/dev/video0
camorama -d=/dev/video1

Initialization of web cameras may be required by pulling and reinserting
them .

See how to Camorama in the following page :

view, alter and save images from a webcam

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
Shane Ambler
2016-05-18 07:06:25 UTC
Post by Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
Can I record video from multiple webcams? I need record from 3
webcams simultaneusly, I've install webcamd but can't find any app to
record from them. Some apps allow 1 webcam but I need at least 3.
Any clue?
You should be able to run an instance of ffmpeg for each camera.

ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -input_format mjpeg -i /dev/video0 out.mpeg

FreeBSD - the place to B...Storing DigitalVideo

Shane Ambler
Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
2016-05-19 15:18:23 UTC
On Tue, 17 May 2016 19:04:59 +0200
Post by Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
Can I record video from multiple webcams? I need record from 3
webcams simultaneusly, I've install webcamd but can't find any app to
record from them. Some apps allow 1 webcam but I need at least 3.
Any clue?
I'll summary answers here:

Polytropon: I can't make mencoder work. It says no bktr0 device error and loading it with kldload bktr.ko don't fix it.

Mehmet: Camerorama don't exist for in FreeBSD ports. I tried other cam apps from ports but they depend on bktr and fails or record a green window.

Shamim: Zonemine tries to install PHP, MySQL, WebServer etc... and I don't want install them for this task.

Shane: ffmepg works and records from my 3 webcams to 3 different files.

Currently trying cheese, it has on 'Cheese'->'Preferences' menu a widget to select the webcam, but can manage more than 1 at a time.

What I'm trying to do is a bit different from what currents apps provide, I'll develop one that do what I want the way I want and not use one to do what I the way they say.

Thanks to all
Post by Eduardo Morras via freebsd-questions
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