freeBSD software certification process?
(too old to reply)
Stephane Brunet
2016-07-26 23:12:29 UTC

We are a software vendor, and I'm wanting to *certify our software product
with freeBSD* in order to address some of our prospective customer's who
enjoy freeBSD, but I'm having trouble finding information regarding that
process and its requirements.

Our software stack consists of a daemon and a kernel module.

Can you point me in the right direction?

Thanks, I really appreciate your time,

*Stéphane Brunet, CTO*
***@liveqos.com | LiveQoS.com <http://www.liveqos.com> |
+1-613-599-6267 ext. 534

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Matthew Seaman
2016-07-27 07:05:28 UTC
Post by Stephane Brunet
We are a software vendor, and I'm wanting to *certify our software product
with freeBSD* in order to address some of our prospective customer's who
enjoy freeBSD, but I'm having trouble finding information regarding that
process and its requirements.
Our software stack consists of a daemon and a kernel module.
Can you point me in the right direction?
Certify in what sense? Unlike, for instance, java, there isn't a third
party who would run some tests and issue you with a stamp of approval.
Essentially as software authors, you can build your software on FreeBSD,
run whatever tests you think necessary to prove a suitable level of
functionality and then market your software as 'FreeBSD supported' all
on your own recognizance.

There are other similar support offerings available in certain
circumstances. For instance you can get your FreeBSD based product
registered as "Supported" on Microsoft Azure.

If you're interested in FreeBSD as a commercial platform, then I'd
suggest getting in touch with the FreeBSD Foundation
(***@freebsdfoundation.org) just on general principles. Promoting
commercial use of FreeBSD is a big part of the Foundation's remit.


