(too old to reply)
2016-05-17 16:27:26 UTC
Using FreeBSD since 4.1 most recent 8.2 no problems, now retired 'old

installed 10.2 release from CD on Intel core i3 boot, sound, video, etc OK
few ports would work, discovered pkg, still few pkg work mostly with core
dumps etc.
Fresh install (or ten)!
Finally default install, no software added, freebsd-upgrade, install,
install after boot to:

***@wills:~ # uname -a
FreeBSD wills 10.3-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p2 #0: Wed May 4
06:03:51 UT C 2016 etc...

Same situation, Have X working with icewm (blackbox, fluxbox OK also)
qtfm, gpicview, xpdf etc OK but dbus errors, core dumps, missing libs.
Whereis fails to find installed software, including system stuff, libs etc
not found by whereas, or applications.

Basically past doing much reading online/local due illness, home care...

Seems a path related problem? Only change to boot config has been to add
Automount="YES", that i may retrieve backup data via USB key. dmesg seems
everything found, enabled hardware wise.
Perhaps I need to do some config for dbus?

Here are a few recent core dumps:

dbus-monitor.core firefox.core
dbus-send.core gedit.core
efreet_desktop_cach.core gnome-settings-daem.core
enlightenment_filem.core gnome-shell.core
epiphany.core nautilus.core
evince-previewer.core qtfm.core
evince.core totem.core
file-roller.core xpdf.core
***@wills:~ #

Forums appear offline at present.

Any suggestions, reading matter (simpler the better)!

Enough working to keep me going for a while. Back to poking around folders
to find things. Enough online documents for now.

de Bill VK2BLA...
Using Opera's mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
Matthew Seaman
2016-05-17 17:19:58 UTC
Post by Bill
dbus-monitor.core firefox.core
dbus-send.core gedit.core
efreet_desktop_cach.core gnome-settings-daem.core
enlightenment_filem.core gnome-shell.core
epiphany.core nautilus.core
evince-previewer.core qtfm.core
evince.core totem.core
file-roller.core xpdf.core
Have you managed to rule out possible defective hardware? You're
getting a lot more core dumps than is reasonable, and it sounds like
you're having difficulty doing some fairly routine operations that
really should be a lot easier than you're finding them.


2016-05-17 17:05:18 UTC
Simple question: is this machine allright? If basically everything dumps
cores that usually means hardware (mostly RAM) failure.
Post by Bill
Using FreeBSD since 4.1 most recent 8.2 no problems, now retired 'old
installed 10.2 release from CD on Intel core i3 boot, sound, video,
etc OK
few ports would work, discovered pkg, still few pkg work mostly with
core dumps etc.
Fresh install (or ten)!
Finally default install, no software added, freebsd-upgrade, install,
FreeBSD wills 10.3-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE-p2 #0: Wed May 4
06:03:51 UT C 2016 etc...
Same situation, Have X working with icewm (blackbox, fluxbox OK also)
qtfm, gpicview, xpdf etc OK but dbus errors, core dumps, missing libs.
Whereis fails to find installed software, including system stuff, libs
etc not found by whereas, or applications.
Basically past doing much reading online/local due illness, home care...
Seems a path related problem? Only change to boot config has been to
add Automount="YES", that i may retrieve backup data via USB key.
dmesg seems everything found, enabled hardware wise.
Perhaps I need to do some config for dbus?
dbus-monitor.core firefox.core
dbus-send.core gedit.core
efreet_desktop_cach.core gnome-settings-daem.core
enlightenment_filem.core gnome-shell.core
epiphany.core nautilus.core
evince-previewer.core qtfm.core
evince.core totem.core
file-roller.core xpdf.core
Forums appear offline at present.
Any suggestions, reading matter (simpler the better)!
Enough working to keep me going for a while. Back to poking around
folders to find things. Enough online documents for now.
de Bill VK2BLA...
Warren Block
2016-05-17 18:50:21 UTC
Post by Bill
Forums appear offline at present.
They are working as I write this, but note that a recent browser is
required for the HTTPS encryption being used.
Warren Block
2016-05-17 18:52:40 UTC
Post by Admin
Simple question: is this machine allright? If basically everything dumps
cores that usually means hardware (mostly RAM) failure.
That, or power supply problems. Running memtest86 at least overnight
would be a good start at testing.

Beyond that, please identify the exact hardware in use: manufacturer and
model number. Some systems have known problems.
2016-05-18 01:21:47 UTC
Post by Warren Block
Post by Bill
Forums appear offline at present.
They are working as I write this, but note that a recent browser is
required for the HTTPS encryption being used.
Forums OK Firefox 46.xx on net book, winxp. Firefox no go on this system.
Opera v12 is new to me last I looked was around v7!

New 'box', was OK under win 8, but never got to registering same...

Will step back a while, run Memtest after physical check of wots inside.
ASI (local aust.) system, Gigabyte motherboard with (too) many screens of
config in BIOS. Just defaults at present.
Will get back with system details.

System from previous employer (salesman) came with an extra 4G of RAM so
may well be a mixed bag!
Anyway shall go outside, play radio aerials for a day or two and take time
to find out more about new system.
- USB ports eventually died in previous decade old system...

Thanks for quick replies, suggestions.

de Bill VK2BLA
Using Opera's mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/