RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out
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Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
2016-07-18 14:55:38 UTC
When I try to mount a NFS share of my provider with

mount -t nfs -o tcp,nfsv3,nolockd my.provider.tld:/the/shared/directory /mnt/mountpoint

the share won't mount. Instead I get the following error after a while:

[tcp] stor2.tilaa.nl:/stor2/clients/15337/1: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out

My provider requests to use nfsv3 and nolockd that's why I define these options.

In /etc/rc.conf I have


And I started both with

service rpcbind start
service nfsclient start

The funny thing is that I can telnet to both 111 and 2049 without
any problems. In addition there are no relevant outgoing/incoming
packages being blocked in pflog0.

`rpcinfo -p my.provider.tld` gives

program vers proto port service
100000 4 tcp 111 rpcbind
100000 3 tcp 111 rpcbind
100000 2 tcp 111 rpcbind
100000 4 udp 111 rpcbind
100000 3 udp 111 rpcbind
100000 2 udp 111 rpcbind
100000 4 local 111 rpcbind
100000 3 local 111 rpcbind
100000 2 local 111 rpcbind
100005 1 udp 839 mountd
100005 3 udp 839 mountd
100005 1 tcp 839 mountd
100005 3 tcp 839 mountd
100003 2 tcp 2049 nfs
100003 3 tcp 2049 nfs

However `showmount -e my.provider.tld` gives

RPC: Port mapper failure
showmount: can't do mountdump rpc

after a while.

This seems really strange to me because I have no problems to
reach the server via telnet. Does anyone have an idea what could
be causing this?

Any help is very much appreciated.

Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
2016-07-19 14:19:28 UTC
Post by Niklaas Baudet von Gersdorff
This seems really strange to me because I have no problems to
reach the server via telnet. Does anyone have an idea what could
be causing this?
Just to let you know: It was a problem on my provider's side.
Works now.

