Sendmail and mimedefang, help.
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Bernt Hansson
2016-06-20 11:32:36 UTC
Hello list!

I'm trying to setup mimedefang and sendmail on a replacement machine.

This is how I start mimedefang

mimedefang -c -k -p /var/spool/MIMEDefang/defang.pid -m
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/multiplexor.sock -U mailnull

The multiplexor

mimedefang-multiplexor -U mailnull -s
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/multiplexor.sock -l

Getting this in /var/log/maillog

mimedefang-multiplexor[13560]: started; minSlaves=1, maxSlaves=2,
maxRequests=500, maxIdleTime=300, busyTimeout=120, clientTimeout=10
mimedefang-multiplexor[13560]: Starting slave 0 (pid 13561) (1 running):
Bringing slaves up to minSlaves (1)
mimedefang[13564]: MIMEDefang alive. slavesReservedForLoopback=-1
AllowNewConnectionsToQueue=0 doRelayCheck=0 doHeloCheck=0
doSenderCheck=0 doRecipientCheck=0
mimedefang[13564]: Multiplexor alive - entering main loop

I've tried differnt users like daemon, smmsp, operator, nobody and even
But no luck.

Getting an e-mail, sendmail respond with this

sm-mta[11617]: u5JM06Qf011617: Milter (mimedefang): local socket name
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock unsafe

Permissions on /var/spool/MIMEDefang/

drwx------ 2 mailnull mailnull 512 20 Jun 13:28 MIMEDefang

So what can I do?
Wayne Sierke
2016-06-26 06:33:26 UTC
Post by Bernt Hansson
Hello list!
I'm trying to setup mimedefang and sendmail on a replacement machine.
This is how I start mimedefang
mimedefang -c -k -p /var/spool/MIMEDefang/defang.pid -m 
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/multiplexor.sock -U mailnull
The multiplexor
mimedefang-multiplexor -U mailnull -s 
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/multiplexor.sock -l
Getting this in /var/log/maillog
mimedefang-multiplexor[13560]: started; minSlaves=1, maxSlaves=2, 
maxRequests=500, maxIdleTime=300, busyTimeout=120, clientTimeout=10
mimedefang-multiplexor[13560]: Starting slave 0 (pid 13561) (1
Bringing slaves up to minSlaves (1)
mimedefang[13564]: MIMEDefang alive. slavesReservedForLoopback=-1 
AllowNewConnectionsToQueue=0 doRelayCheck=0 doHeloCheck=0 
doSenderCheck=0 doRecipientCheck=0
mimedefang[13564]: Multiplexor alive - entering main loop
I've tried differnt users like daemon, smmsp, operator, nobody and
But no luck.
Getting an e-mail, sendmail respond with this
sm-mta[11617]: u5JM06Qf011617: Milter (mimedefang): local socket
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock unsafe
Permissions on /var/spool/MIMEDefang/
drwx------  2 mailnull  mailnull    512 20 Jun 13:28 MIMEDefang
So what can I do?
Hi Bernt,

I recall running into this problem some years ago but I think the
mimedefang port was improved quite a bit since then in providing better
defaults and run-time configuration options.

The only immediate difference I can find on my current mail system is:

drwx--x---  28 mailnull  mailnull  1024 Jun 26 15:50 /var/spool/MIMEDefang/

It's possible that is a remnant of a "chmod g-r[w]" in order to address
the "mimedefang.sock unsafe" issue, although I'm only guessing at that
and it may not be related or relevant at all.

If you have installed the mimedefang port you could try starting it
using "system" methods e.g. "service mimedefang [one]start" or similar
and see if there's any difference in behaviour?

Bernt Hansson
2016-06-26 13:10:20 UTC
Post by Wayne Sierke
Post by Bernt Hansson
Hello list!
I'm trying to setup mimedefang and sendmail on a replacement machine.
This is how I start mimedefang
mimedefang -c -k -p /var/spool/MIMEDefang/defang.pid -m
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/multiplexor.sock -U mailnull
The multiplexor
mimedefang-multiplexor -U mailnull -s
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/multiplexor.sock -l
Getting this in /var/log/maillog
mimedefang-multiplexor[13560]: started; minSlaves=1, maxSlaves=2,
maxRequests=500, maxIdleTime=300, busyTimeout=120, clientTimeout=10
mimedefang-multiplexor[13560]: Starting slave 0 (pid 13561) (1
Bringing slaves up to minSlaves (1)
mimedefang[13564]: MIMEDefang alive. slavesReservedForLoopback=-1
AllowNewConnectionsToQueue=0 doRelayCheck=0 doHeloCheck=0
doSenderCheck=0 doRecipientCheck=0
mimedefang[13564]: Multiplexor alive - entering main loop
I've tried differnt users like daemon, smmsp, operator, nobody and
But no luck.
Getting an e-mail, sendmail respond with this
sm-mta[11617]: u5JM06Qf011617: Milter (mimedefang): local socket
/var/spool/MIMEDefang/mimedefang.sock unsafe
Permissions on /var/spool/MIMEDefang/
drwx------ 2 mailnull mailnull 512 20 Jun 13:28 MIMEDefang
So what can I do?
Hi Bernt,
I recall running into this problem some years ago but I think the
mimedefang port was improved quite a bit since then in providing better
defaults and run-time configuration options.
drwx--x--- 28 mailnull mailnull 1024 Jun 26 15:50 /var/spool/MIMEDefang/
It's possible that is a remnant of a "chmod g-r[w]" in order to address
the "mimedefang.sock unsafe" issue, although I'm only guessing at that
and it may not be related or relevant at all.
If you have installed the mimedefang port you could try starting it
using "system" methods e.g. "service mimedefang [one]start" or similar
and see if there's any difference in behaviour?
Hello Wayne, and thank you for your input.

Using service to start defang worked!

But there was some permission issues that needed some attention.

This I changed from 0700 to 0710

drwx------ 2 mailnull mailnull 512 20 Jun 13:28 MIMEDefang

Same as you have, so no more "unsafe" messages.

