freebsd-update && locally modified files
(too old to reply)
Stefan `Sec` Zehl
2016-06-23 15:11:28 UTC

I've been a user of freebsd-update for some time, and it works basically
fine, but since quite some time it annoys me with this message:

| The following files are affected by updates, but no changes have
| been downloaded because the files have been modified locally:
| /etc/mail/freebsd.cf
| /etc/mail/freebsd.submit.cf
| /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
| /etc/mail/submit.cf
| /var/db/mergemaster.mtree

How do I get these files back in a state that freebsd-update doesn't
complain about?

I don't care about loosing changes. But even extensive googling has not
helped me find an answer on how to restore those files to their
"original" state that freebsd-update wants them to be in.

The obvious solution of deleting them and letting freebsd-update install
run did not restore those files.

Please help.

``oh no! the gronkulator is broken!''
Gregory Orange
2016-06-27 01:24:25 UTC
Hi Stefan,
Post by Stefan `Sec` Zehl
| The following files are affected by updates, but no changes have
| /etc/mail/freebsd.cf
| /etc/mail/freebsd.submit.cf
| /etc/mail/sendmail.cf
| /etc/mail/submit.cf
| /var/db/mergemaster.mtree
The obvious solution of deleting them and letting freebsd-update install
run did not restore those files.
On the rare occasion that happens, I tend to grab the files from a
pristine installation and put them in place, as well as copies (with a
.dist suffix) in case it recurs.

